Tag Archives: motivation

Time to write again! Your Mind, your heart in it + Dedicated time and then you will nailed it!

23 Apr

Halo. Aloha. Bonjour!! Anything will do.

Sesuatu, jika tidak dimulai, tidak akan terlaksana, mau bagaimana pun juga sudah direncanakan di otak, hati dan jiwa raga. Menurut saya pribadi ada 3 hal penting yang akan mendukung tereksekusinya suatu rencana dengan baik.

1. You have your mind in it –> artinya: Secara pikiran, Anda sudah merencanakan secara strategis apa-apa saja yang perlu dan ingin anda lakukan. Seperti to do list yang awalnya hanya berseliweran di pikiran Anda, kemudian you start to put it up together in a very strategic plan  (Oh my God! I think I;ve been in business development life too long. Blah! :p) But, once again, it’s only strategic in your mind. You still have not done anything real to it.

I read some interesting saying that really relatable to my self which is:

i have so many tabs open in my mind

You see it? “My brain has too many tabs open” Siapa yang merasakan hal yang sama, bolehlah ikutan ngacung disini. In my case: I’ve been wanting to start to write in this blog from God knows when. I have things in my mind that I think would be really interesting to share to everyone. Starting from unimportant things like Wow new songs!, wow new movies!, travelling idea, travelling experience, wow new apps!, some little stories of my life, untill something that actually would be really useful for everyone if I am willing to share it, like field trip report or my wedding planning maybe?? (Whaat?? After 6 years gone, and then you are going to be married already??) Me: yaya.. something like that.

Intinya : You have to put your mind in it!!  (sudah terlalu panjang x lebar x tinggi sepertinya), padahal baru item nomor 1.

2. You have your Heart in it!

Mind is not enough. If you only have your mind without your heart, you would be end up like me. Have your mind floating around wanting to this and that, but no execution. Don’t be like me!! hoho..

By putting your heart in it. you’re building your spirit, willingness to execute your plan and idea. You put a little passion in the beginning, and your passion will grow in time.

3. You give your time in it.

You have your mind and heart ready, you didn;t give any time to execute it. It will only become a bullshit. The key is CONSISTENCY AND COMMITMENT!

CONSISTENCY CREATE GROWTH. Mengerjakan sesuatu secara konsisten dan berulang-ulang memberikan kedalaman, membawa peningkatan dan pertumbuhan. Untuk ujian matematika, sistem SKS (sistem kebut semalam) mungkin bisa berhasil, tetapi banyak hal yang tidak akan berhasil dengan sistem tsb karena membutuhkan konsistensi: contohnya: 1. Ya menulis blog ini. Ya kali tiap 6 tahun sekali menulis blog.. Big No No! -__-”, contoh lainnya seperti menurunkan berat badan, membangun hubungan, dll.

CONSISTENCY is done by making a COMMITMENT to select and prioritize what you SHOULD do, not what you WANT to do.


You do the math. In my experience, those 3 will work. I myself still learning to do so.

Have a very good day people.

Mollyjoo is back..